Sunday, November 05, 2006

alcohol vs milk powder

My girls are out drinking, while I'm at home covered in baby puke, but there's no better way I can think of to have spent my night. Bubby, Ima miss you sorely when you leave. And my brother and sissypoo-in-law too, of course.

It's been a good couple of weeks. Now I just need to get rid of this queasyness (I'm not pregnant not that I was worried, pshaw, it's just the stomach flu yet again) and then it's time to get back to studying for finals.

p.s. My birthday's in 2 and a half weeks. I like presents. Suprise presents are the best. The plan as of now is to meet the boys in the afternoon, the family at night, and the girls later at night, and then a giant party after exams are over. Everyone's invited, yay! And yes, that includes you goobers who live in far off foreign lands. Come to Stinkapore, you'll have a good time, trust me. My nephew sure did.

okay, so maybe he looks like he's about to cry, but that's only because he's approximately 2.5 minutes away from throwing up more milk that any baby should be physically capable of containing. Also, this is why I NEVER smile in pictures.

banging on the tables and sticking his tongue out as usual. He loves ice cream, but likes Irish Cream coffee more. And he flirted with the staff at NYDC.

Only reason he's smiling there, is because he hasn't realised yet who's holding him. That's the aunt who scared him 7 times in the span of 10 minutes, just cos "it's fun to watch him get scared like that!" He cried each time. Poor baby.

Another minute, and bhabhiji would've caught first class puke action on camera.

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