Sunday, November 12, 2006

bullet post

I know this pisses doof off, but I only just woke up, so point form ftw!

  • I've had 11 coffees in the span of 5 days. No bloody wonder I'm poor.
  • When I get REALLY angry, I get a case of the shakes, and then I die a little inside.
  • I secretly adore Robbie Williams' songs.
  • I miss my momma and pops.
  • peewee loaned me a mouse. woohoo. No more frustration at the lack of a red-light, this one shines BLUE.
  • My birthday party's been confirmed for the 6th of December. EVERYBODY's invited. Unless I really hate you. In which case you wouldn't be reading this anyway, so yay you!
  • doof is secretly evil. He wants to play pool today, only because I'm one of the few people who play worse than him. Hmph.
  • It is entirely possible to survive on raisin bread and waffle crisps. And peppermint mochas, of course.
luff. study buns.

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