Monday, November 06, 2006

thoughts for the day

- It seems that looking like old school minahs is back in fashion. I saw atleast 4 Chinese girls dressed in skinny jeans, kitten heels, and tight black tees, with too much make up on their faces, walking around with whole lots of 'tude. Possibly the wrong kind, but who am I to judge.

- the boy reminded me of Lemon. So I did a little scrimagging around, and found something I'd like to have for my birthday. That also reminded me that I should update my wishlist.

- Peppermint mochas are back at Starbucks! First thing in the morning:

and my sister bought me another one when I got home from school:

- pms sucks major ass.

- yodelling at the dinner table can be fun

- I will never be able to remember all the things that make me go "ooo I should blog about this" throughout the day. Ever. So I may as well give up.

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