Monday, March 05, 2007

Another quickie

Tonight I went to a poetry reading with Anjana, to watch my sister and the guy she pretends is her boyfriend. He shook my hand. Teehee.

After getting over the urge to mock everyone in the room, I had a really good time. Plans are in progress to attend a poetry slam now. I'm starting to worry a bit about our trip to Australia, because my friends over there are being demanding, and I'm wondering how that'll play out with the friends I go there with.

I'm trying very hard to convince Mizz Banana to hook up with Raul. It's not working so far.

Tim has so kindly offered to supply me with mucho soul. Plenty luff to you.

If you can't tell, I got extremely tired halfway through writing this entry. I give up. Bed calls my name. Toodles.

(p.s. McDonalds drive-thru reminds me of you, very many much.)

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