Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Of a whole load of catching up

Friday evening saw Buttz and I headed off after the gym for dinner. We showed up at Papi's (5 Mohd Sultan Rd) at just a little past 6, and the restaurant wasn't open yet. After a little mucking around in 7-11 though, we went back and were received as the first customers of the night.

It's a pretty place, innit? I especially liked the little indoor tree they had. I took a picture of Buttz with the tree reflected in the mirror, but either I took it on my phone, in which case I haven't transferred it to my laptop yet, or she didn't like it so she didn't send it to me.

The second best thing I had: Bread basket. I'm not so keen on crispier bread in general, it was alright here, but the soft square pieces were divine. I'm not sure if that was just because I was starving, but it tasted so damned good. The olive oil and vinaigrette that they served it with went so well. I could've made that my entire meal. Actually maybe I should've, considering how I ate so much of it that we had trouble finishing our main dishes.

For a change, I didn't zoom in to catch a random guy in a voyeuristic act of exhibiting my 733+ photographic skillz. They have little pots and pans and stuff hung up on the wall. It's adorable. According to Buttz the loo is amazing too, but I didn't get a chance to see that for myself, and she didn't take pictures, so you'll just have to take her word for it.

We were served mostly by this one guy who was intrigued with Buttz's phone. Kept commenting on how clear the images were, asking what model number it was, how many megapixels, etc, etc, etc... I wasn't in one of my "I don't want to talk, just feed me" moods, so I didn't mind. Friendly service is good for some people, polite service for others. It just depends on my mood, for me.

Buttz didn't bring her camera along, so these pictures were taken on her phone. Don't mind the flash. The pizza was good (Inferno, I believe it was called). Spicy salami and lots of cheese. Bit oily, and the salami got way too salty for Buttz after a while, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still say Al Forno's at East Coast sells the best Diabola pizza though, but maybe I'm just biased.

Risotto with bacon and mushrooms. Simple and tasty. Bit bland, specially coupled with the pizza above, but I'm sure if you eat it on it's own it's pretty good. I'm not a big risotto fan, but I enjoyed it, so I'm sure if you like risotto generally, you'll approve.

My favourite part of the meal: Dessert. I think the extra friendly waiter called this a Tartufo, but I might be mistaken. Either way it's vanilla ice cream wrapped in layers of chocolate ice cream and cocoa powder and pure simple bits of heaven. I compared it to the chocolate ice cream you get for a dollar in between two wafer pieces from those men with little cycle hawker carts along orchard and near Parkway Parade. And I mean that in the best possible way, because I love that ice cream. It's smooth and chocolatey and reminds me of what ice cream tasted like when I was a kid. None of that fancy schmancy flavouring and random things in the middle of it ruining the texture. Just plain simple icey creamy yumness.

Buttz decided to leave her mark for the dishwasher. In case you can't tell because of the flash, that says "PW". I thought your name was Butternut Squash, love. Shouldn't that say "BS" from now on?

Buttz insisted that we had to take a picture of the signboard, but didn't want to look like an idiot doing it, so you get this semi stylised angled picture. Yay! The bill came up to a little over $50 for two mains and a dessert.

The rest of these pictures are in completely random order because I uploaded them to calm myself down while extremely pissed off with my groupmates (as usual. 3 weeks to go luv, 3 weeks to go) and didn't bother to think about it too much, and now that I've realised how many there are, I'm definitely not going to chronologically organise them. Deal with it.

The cafe dwellers at Starbucks at Fullerton on doofy's birthday. (I'm blogging this there right now, btw, when I should be doing my 3211 tutorial. Fuck monitors, I say. No, not the lizards. I'm not one for beastiality. I love animals, but not that much.)

I don't know why so few people find this amusing, but I cracked up to myself like crazy when I saw it. I really try not to be racist and/or ethnocentric you know, but sometimes it's just so hard.

I realised that I never did put up a picture of the Care Bears that Fiong and I coloured. So here you go. Yay!
I met Mark Lee's sister in the bus.

The fruits of my shopping for doofy's birthday present. Sexy shoes and delish chocolates (or so he claims).

Random guy picking his nose in the library. MizzBanana's RAhUL thinks that guy's my soulmate. :aww:

Can't remember if I posted this, but that guy looks a HELL of a lot like doofy. It was awesome.

This was the day I left my mp3 player at Fullerton. I got it back, so alls well that ends well. It was a good day.

Random sexy car that was parked next to mine. I'm not usually a fan of Merc's, but this one was nice, even I have to admit.

The pie that had doof orgasming for days straight.


Yeah, that's really all I have to say about that picture.

Buttz happy on her birthday...

... and Buttz grumpy on her birthday. I'm guessing the person on the phone really pissed her off. Hurrhurr. I love being a bitch.

Buttz trying to be a mayfly. You can try as much as you want sweetcheeks, but nobody's gonna outdo me in that role. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

I took a pretty picture of the cafe dwellers on doofy's birthday! Yay me!

MizzBanana and I decided that if the boys wanted to hang out with us, they had to be pretty. In the 10 on the way to Tampines to catch Happily Never After (we stopped and took a cab cos we were about to miss the movie, btw) she did twinky's hair, and I did doofy's. Pretty!

If we were the 7 dwarves, he'd be happy and I'd be grumpy, no?

Mizz Banana smiling even though the boys were calling her a PEREMPUAN SUNDAL ANTARABANGSA! (please don't beat me, I love you)

Doof, on..... some random day after CNY cos he's wearing the shirt he bought. At Fullerton. Again. Hmm. Maybe when I told that guy that I'm not a regular customer, I might have been stretching the truth a bit.

My favourite Starbucks Barista. You may not be as Ali G as the guy at RC, or as tall and skinny and oddly enough capable of making me go giggly inside as the guy at JJ (see, I know the lingo!!), but I still lubs you dearly.

I think we didn't want him in the picture. I don't particularly remember now. But it amuses me anyway.
They bully me.

I took a sexy picture of Jeeves. Eating chicken skin. And not eating his vegetables. Bad Mr Singh.

K, I'm done with pictures for now. On to the random things I remember wanting to blog about:

Yesterday I was caught in a jam on my way home. I saw a Mazda in my rearview mirror, and thought to myself "wouldn't it be funny if that was Mel?" Five minutes later I get a call from Mel, to tell me that she was in Wesley's Honda, and they'd just passed me by on the second lane. Coinkydink much.

Yesterday was also my nephew's first birthday. Happy Birthday, bubby bhai. I love how my sister in law is always so happy to hear from us. She cheers me up immensely. I love that woman. And that child. And my cousin.

Yesterday was ALSO the day that I got to use my new wallet for the first time. I'd been wanting to buy it for someone, anyone, but everyone I know has a nice wallet already. I even asked the boy if he wanted it, but he didn't like the idea of a pin up girl on the front of it. So I told Buttz on Thursday night that I was going to buy it for myself. I met her on Friday to go the gym, and she whips out... you got it. The wallet. I spat at her (figuratively, because I love her too much to treat her the way I did Marcus (not your sexy Marcus, don't worry Buttz)) and proceeded to buy it for myself anyway. My sister has now decided that Buttz and I are totally BFFs. I was greatly amused by that declaration of hers. So babe, you wanna be Paris, or Nicole? I was actually thinking maybe we could deviate a bit and be Britney, or Lindsey... Grins.

Not that I really had to use it much. Doofy was feeling generous and plied me with lots of freebies. I was fed expired chocolate eclairs and butter croissants and the remnants of his Mango Tea Frap. Deeee-lish. Good thing I pigged out so much at your store, I went home and momma had made baked vegetables for dinner. Seriously. There was no meat, at all. Whatever happened to balanced meals, man? Where's the protein?!?!

Walk Like an Egyptian is a magical song. It's by the Bangles, btw, in case like doof, you've never heard it. I sometimes wonder what else he could possibly say to astound me.

It's lucky for you guys that I didn't take my cell phone with me to the gym. There was a lady there yesterday who must have been about 37, 38? And she looked every year of it too. Not a bad body, but it's like Madonna, you know? Lady, cover it up already, you're too old to be prancing around like that. Have some dignity. So anyway, this lady was wearing stretch denim hotpants. And not only was her ass hanging out the bottom of it, but so was her vagoo. She just had to adjust herself back into her pants right in front of me, when my face was at her crotch level. Ugh.

Yes, I've been catching up on my LICD. Vagooooooo. I've also been spending a lot of time watching the cricket world cup, and not getting enough sleep.

I would like to say that I don't like how the boy has friends who don't knock. I'm sure they're nice enough, but dammit! Babe, learn to lock your door, or something.

Here's something to cheer you up if you're cranky, because I was cranky and it cheered me up lots:

That's all for now, from the girl who was:

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