Sunday, March 04, 2007

Of wonders never ceasing

Have I ever mentioned that I'm a really accident prone? And that there's a huge difference between being clumsy, and being accident prone?

Take today, for example. I was trying to figure out more of that school related bs, got frustrated, lost my temper, lashed out by slamming my fists against the table - except that completely backfired, and now I've got the most icky catch in my back. Having a short temper never pays, boys and girls.

Lots of people remember a time when I had a ridiculously short fuse. I don't know when that changed, and I don't even know if I agree that it's a change for the better.

Speaking of which, there was a time when I couldn't understand why people would continue doing things that so obviously made them miserable. Well surprise surprise, look where I ended up.

6 weeks till I get almost 4 months of coding free vacation. I have Wednesdays and weekends off, so that's only 24 days of school. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I enjoy what I study, for the most part, but honestly, I've grown to positively hate programming. Which is a pity because it's something I quite used to enjoy. And it's also something that I end up having to do a lot for school. I miss having classmates, being able to ask for help, most of all I miss being understood. I don't want to be racist, but sometimes people make it hard for me to keep an open mind.

And that's why I'll understand if you stay. I wouldn't be here either if I had a choice.

Also, Singapore is really small. Remember the video I put up a while back? If you don't, here's a refresher:

Well, that guy is in a band with someone named Roman, who's also now going out my friend's ex-girlfriend. I only realised they were the same person because his family is on the first page of today's Life section and I had to flip past his face to reach the funnies. Which, I'm sad to announce, weren't all that funny. But maybe that's just me being bitter about pulling a muscle again and having work to do.

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