Saturday, March 24, 2007

Of slipping back into that comfort zone

It was a productive day. Productive by Saturday standards anyway. Most weekends I get absolutely nothing done, so really, anything is an improvement.

Hung out with the BananaBabe at Siglap for a bit, then had a really early dinner with doof, ran a couple of errands, and came home. The group people were being retards again, so I was a bit funked up for a while, but I had a looooooong hot soak in the tub and now I feel better. I spent fifteen minutes of it perched next to the bathroom window having a smoke. Sempurnas are just as tasty as I remember them being, but waaaay lighter. I guess Banana wasn't lying after all. Hmph.

Here's what I typed out during my frequent mini-breaks while doing work at 'bucks.
Till last year I could safely say I'd never been on a date. Now I can safely say I've never been on a second date. I've never had a proper, normal relationship.

I've realised that you really should never say never, because you never know how you'll change and what you'll end up doing, that you never thought you would.

sidenote: I wonder how I knew that the girl in the skimpy little white skirt that just almost displays her dimpled flabby buttcheeks was with the almost good looking white guy even though they were walking more than two arms length apart and not speaking to each other .

We saw two snazzy looking Harley's in the span of an hour. Even if MizzBanana insists that the first one was very "CHANG", I still liked it. She made a good point though. Why is it that Harley riders always wear that half helmet? I said it's cos they're all about being old school bikers, but I don't think she buys my theory.

I wonder if it's just coincidence that coffee and cigarettes taste so damn good together.
I think I should mention that I definitely need some motivation to cut back on the school skipping business, because I realised that next week I'm probably going to be in school for a grand total of 3 hours. Hmm.

Nightmares suck. Waking up to invisible pervs sucks even more.

Today, my dad told me about how he's got a couple of older women working in his office now.. and he kept wondering why people were cussing at them all the time. He was all "why are these people so mean to those poor little old ladies".... till someone explained to him that Ah Soh is just another one of those random Singlish phrases.

My father is such a doomus. =)

That's really all I have for you tonight. I've got tons on my mind, but it's not ready for articulation just yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what, your company and attempts at studying and sharing personal issues and talking about our takes on life never fails to cheer me up. It does not only cheer me up but it makes me happy. I love you (and I'll never judge you. HAHA. Couldn't resist it.
