Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Of an afternoon off, and a confession

My consultation for this week is cancelled, as is my weekly meeting. Which means I basically only had a two hour tutorial in the morning (which I'm done with, yay!) and a two hour lecture from 2-4 (which I skipped, yay!) I very smartly didn't bring my textbook with me, so I had to go home and get it. And now I'm at Jeremy's store with Hana, "studying".

I think poetry does funny things to your mind. I'm seeing beauty everywhere in the world today. I was about to say that it's not the best position to be in when you're a self proclaimed cynic, when I remembered that I'd promised myself, a little over a year go, to stop being a cynical bitch and learn to really live. So hey, what the hey!

I had chicken cheese murtabak with milo peng today and now I've got coffee so I'm happy and comfy and sleepy. Comfy enough to make a confession: I write poetry. Betcha didn't know that huh. I have oodles and oodles of the stuff, most of which is crap.

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