Thursday, March 22, 2007

Of blogging by request

I went for my sister's reading tonight. Met Anjukunji, Muffin, WeeWee, and a couple of my sister's friends. I don't think I'm being biased when I say my sister was the best. It's not just the words, how you say them matters too, and she says it well.

We went for mum mums after that, and she made me drag some traffic cones and trashcans out of the way to park in front of some houses... and when we came back we were greeted with this:

I'm summarising a lot here, because I'm kinda tired (I'm only blogging because my sister insisted that I write about the bizarre note, and I have to agree, it's amusing enough to share with everyone, so here I am), and the conversation I'm having with Sean is distracting me. Basically we camped out at the side of the road for a good ten-fifteen minutes because the writer of that note was camping at her gate, looking out for the owner of our car. Eventually I got tired of skulking around and stormed off to the car, but she didn't come after us with a machete. And of course we mocked it the entire way home. I'm still keen on writing a post it and sticking it on the traffic cone that reads: Dear Cone, you do not belong here. These people are using you. Flee, cone, flee!!

Also, I got another academic warning of sorts today. I am tired of dealing with people. I think I would like very much to be emotionally void again, at least for a little while. Which is what I'm discussing with Sean right now, in case you were being nosey.

MizzBanana, may I leech another cigarette off of you tomorrow? I think I might need it.

EDIT: The one time I've made up my mind to go for my 9am class, it's cancelled. Go figure. If I do go to school tomorrow, it's gonna be for a measly hour. This bums.

Also, listening to Radiohead when I'm feeling blue and hungry and grumpy and the boy is busy with work and can't entertain me and MizzBanana isn't around for me to leech smokes off of probably isn't the brightest idea in the world. Hurrah for the commonsense Sean claims I have that keeps me from breaking. Bending maybe, but no breaking.

Also also, Nut, I don't know why, but suddenly the comments are working again. Weird much. Leave me some love, pretty please?

DOUBLE EDIT: I fixed the weird comment thing. Also, check out what Sean showed me. Click here for some hair dye fun. Yes, we go from "I want to slit my wrists no don't do it" to "wow, we're invincible" to "hey check out fun things to do to your pubes" in a seamlessly flowing conversation. One of the reasons I love him so. Yay!

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