Monday, March 26, 2007

Of being extremely puzzled early in the morning

My friend and his girlfriend asked me to have a threesome with them. And he doesn't get why I would say no even though I find them both rather attractive. Riiiight.

I went to bed at half past 4, and woke up at 7 because my sister couldn't get a cab to school because it was raining like fuckzoids. At least I got to drive in the rain. That always makes me happy. Speaking of which, I read an article yesterday by some woman about how her car is her happy place, because it's the one place she can truly call her own. Just random uninteresting stuff I thought I would share.

I am positively starving, and craving some mickey d's breakfast.

Also, the porn that Silly Cow sent me last night plays like an audio clip. I'm bemused. I can't ask him about it either because he's off to Ipoh. Have a good 9 hour bus ride, babe.

TMNT later today with the Banana Beb. Gedebab!!!!!!

(p.s. I'm getting sick of these label things, so this post isn't getting any. nanny nanny boo boo.)

She's running out again, she's running out, she runs, runs, runs.

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