Friday, March 23, 2007

Of things that cheer me up

It's ridiculous and makes me smile.

As does free coffee (thanks to Khai, yay! He's hot AND nice!) And smoking with MizzBanana while discussion menstruation on an overhead bridge. And driving. And mickey d's breakfast. And talking to people on the phone for no good reason.

I can't believe I ever said I didn't believe in pointless conversation.

EDIT: I haven't done much work so far. Bit of 3215 PQL test cases, rewrote my 1004 essay introduction like 4 times. Mostly just enjoyed my coffee, laughed with the BananaBabe and Ainon..

I'm sitting in "my" chair at doofy's store (Banana claims these chairs are ours, and I'm not about to complain because they're by far the comfiest) staring at the new posters they just put up an hour or two ago. There's one that says:

"Time to think, create, work, escape, enjoy. Welcome to Starbucks."

And I couldn't agree more.

No, they don't pay me for all the free advertising.

Ainon was talking to us about premarital sex earlier, and I'm just bemused by how the world works sometimes. All the little coincidences, different areas of life linking together, things coming together in ways you'd never expect.

I love how strangers congregate around the xbox live demos at the store next door. Grown men in their work clothes, smart business suits, blazers slung over shoulders, fighting it out like little boys. I'm not much of a gamer, but I appreciate the sentiment.

"Can't look you in the eye. You're just like an angel. I want to have control I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul. I want you to notice when I'm not around, so fucking special, I wish I was special. What the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here. Whatever makes you happy, whatever you want. She's running, she runs."
Sillycow says perfection is boring. I think perfection should consist of just the right amount of imperfection to enhance inherent beauty and showcase flaws subtly.

Banana says she finds it easier to type and think, than to write and think. It makes me think of how in TP I'd skip class all the time, and write. Just write and write and write, and it made me feel so much better. I'd like to take all that writing out and see how much of it makes sense now, how much of it retains it's meaning through time. More than that, I'd like to write again.

Don't keep it pent up, Sillycow says. That's why I look so fierce all the time. It made me laugh, and not only because I was being evasive. It honestly amused me. I see the sense in it, I see the similarities. I wonder at seeing myself mirrored in these two enticing souls recently, parts in them, parts in the ones they love, and I think maybe I'm not alone. When I sit here in this corner, shutting out the world, just the music, just the words, just pseudo isolation, I think maybe I'm lying when I think I don't belong here.

It's easy now, but as reality presses harder against the barriers you set up in your mind, it's hard to recall this feeling. It's difficult to remember that when you close your eyes, face up, and feel yourself tumbling over yourself, that you can choose to be the one who's rising up, not the one who's sinking down.

I was about to talk about how low blood sugar levels might actually be a life saver, but doofy just came back slightly upset by the trials and tribulations faced by service staff. On top of that, his cell phone died, so I'm going to try to revive it, and hopefully that will cheer him up some.

The title to this post isn't really very relevant anymore, but I refuse to cut and paste the edit into a new entry, because it seems silly to make 2 posts in such a short time span. So deal with it loves.


Anonymous said...

Hee. Maybe it coz you have nice handwriting and I don't. Hmm. Love you babee.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU ACHESY-WACHESY! Sorry, I'm jus so sick of writing my 2000-WORD essay (it might as well be 2000 pages really) and I did say I wanted to leave you a message. So here I am! The ever efficient P.A. to the Pwincess (remember? lol). And don't let those people in your group get you down k? I told my mommy about it and she got very upset for you and navin started using foul language, saying that they should be shot in the head, with my mom agreeing, "THAT'S WHY! Poor girl.." See, my whole family's concerned about you! Heehee... Love you ekta!
