Friday, March 02, 2007

Of the best rainy day activity

I skipped classes today (again, I know, I'll try to do better next week, I promise. I can't help it that Fridays just seem so... frivolous) and ended up at Jeremy's store. I'd planned to work on the proposal we have to submit on Tuesday, so that I could mail the edited text to Mich and she could format it up and print it soon, but as usual PeeWee served as a bad bad influence. Tsk. I ended up gossiping with her the entire time I was there.

On the way out, I grabbed an IS magazine, and saw this. Scroll down to the 22nd of March, at 8pm. Familiar name, hmm, hmm? My sister's gonna be famous yo.

I drove home in the amazing amazing rain, and after a hot shower I curled up and finally finished Wicked, by Gregory Maguire (which reminds me, I really need to update my reading list on this site). I loved it. It starts out a little slower than I'd like, and some of the political rants bore me, and I'll admit that I have a tendency to skip over the discussions on the nature of Evil.... but wow. I'm definately picking up Son of a Witch (hehe, you gotta admit, he's kinda funny. Son of a Witch, geddit, geddit?!) the next time I go book hunting. I read somewhere that he's in the process of writing a follow up to that too, or it may already be published.

I only really picked Wicked up because I was having such a difficult time getting through I, Lucifer, and in an act of defiance I bought another autobiography-of-a-misunderstood-character, but I'm really glad I did. I thought I, Lucifer was blathering and boring, honestly, and I still haven't finished it. I don't think I will either. I'm never proud of not completing a book, but I just didn't see the point in putting myself through this one. I'm glad I started on Wicked though, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, I stopped halfway through that paragraph above and went to IKEA with my parents. We were looking for a new matress for my grandma. On the way there they vented, and on the way home they got into an argument about who uses more swear words, and who uses worse swear words. In the end they decided it was me. Jeez. Just cos I pick up stuff from both of them. Also, we almost died because my father didn't see a bus coming and turned directly into it's path. I'm so glad it wasn't me driving.

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