Wednesday, March 07, 2007

of absent mindedness, part II (or was it part III?)

Today I had a splendid time, finished up what I had to read in record time, had a yummy dinner with dessert to boot, lots of laughs... and then I came home and realised I'd left my mp3 player at Starbucks.

The people at the One Fullerton Starbucks are really nice though, they managed to find it and held on to it till I went back to claim it. The guy at the counter was quite perplexed that no one stole it in the 2 hours between my leaving the store and calling them up.

Know why it took me two hours to realise it was missing? Because I took a train home with doof and hanabanana, and when I looked for it and couldn't find it I just assumed I wasn't looking properly, since it's in a little black case that blends in perfectly with everything I own. Then when I finally did realise that it honestly wasn't there, first the operator who answered my call to 100 (named Fiona, hmmm) claimed that there wasn't a Starbucks listed at One Fullerton. Then my laptop was being a bitch and refused to log in so I could look it up on the Internet. Finally I had to call doof and get his help in finding the number online.

I'm surprised I didn't have a giant panic attack. You know you've been reading too much pvp when you almost type "giant panda attack" by mistake. It's safe and sound back with me now. My sister got an almond croissant for breakfast out of the whole ordeal, and I'm not more determined than ever to get a really bright cover for the thing so I don't keep assuming it's just blending into the inside of my bag. Also, Benjamin Aaron is behaving himself again. Sort of. He's still a bit laggy, but I'm pretty sure he'll get over it.

I can't wait to delete all the crap I had to download for school this semester. Ugh.


Yeah, I think I forgot to do that the last time cos I was about to fall asleep at my keyboard.

Wish me luck for my midterm tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to the boring but extremely pretty boy for a bit, then shower and watch cricket with my mum while reading my notes. Yay for the world cup!

Oh also, I almost forgot - Mizz Banana's got really white teeth. You must use really good detergent, eh? Or.


Anonymous said...

The 'or' is spelt 'ORH' la! Hehe. Blum. I was smsing you half way when I totally fell asleep. Now, I think I'm gonna go back to sleep again in awhile. Tataa. See you in a few days!

- Hana

Anonymous said...

Giant Panda Attack! Hahahahahah! Roar.