Saturday, March 10, 2007

Of boring entries because my brain hurts

My day:

I was almost late for class. Was really tempted to skip, but I went anyway. I'm either extremely smart and did really well on my midterm, or I'm extremely dense and did really badly. Guess we'll just wait and see. At least there's one module I've done well in so far (BizTechComm, I got an A for my letter. snort.)

I took an eventful bus ride down to VivoCity where I was rather cranky when I met PeeWee, but after some time in a bookstore I cheered up muchly and proceeded to have a damn good time. Did you know that the only DBS ATM in the mall is all the way near Starhub, practically in Harbour Front? Freaks. Also, GV doesn't accept mastercard. Now you know. (which reminds me. I owe peeswees $8, I owe Mel $13, and I owe my bank account $20. I'm poor. Dammit. That's more than half my allowance for next week already gone. And dinner and birthday presents next week and ohhhh dammit.) PeeWee, remember to plan plan our Friday thing, mmkay? We'll keep it secret. Because I like having secrets. Grin.

We watched Music and Lyrics with Nutnut and Jeeves. It was good. Like I told Jerm, surprisingly snarky for a Hugh Grant romantic comedy. I liked it muchly.

Met Lee at City Hall, met Muffin at the Esplanade, mucked around, contemplated eating at Sakae Sushi, ended up at.... some Chicken Shop (what was that place called again?) where the popcorn chicken was made up of, in Jeevan's words, "1% meat, 99% skin". Heaven for Farah and Mel. The food was good though, and not ridiculously expensive. THEN we had Max Brenner's chocolate fondue (among other things, not limited to the umelting ice cream) and it made Jeevan, Muffin and I stone, and Lee and Nut hyper.

And then I took Hana's lead and walked home from the Mandarin Garden's bus stop instead of taking the shorter (and darker and spookier) walk from behind my estate. I'm not really spooked out by the quiet and dark and desertedness of that route as much as I am spooked out by the creepy crawlies that could get at you along that route. It requires walking in the grass and stuff. I don't like bugs. Not in the sense that I'll scream and screech and be excessively girly, but I don't like them.

My plans for the next couple of days include not doing my assignment for 3211, finally getting my dad to fill up a couple of forms that I keep forgetting about, printing out notes, setting up the wireless printer sharing thing, PeeWee's birthday celebration... and that's just the weekend. I've already got plans for Monday and Tuesday, and of course, I'm chopeing Hana for studying on Wednesday.

But for now, I'm gonna go talk to my loves online for a bit and then pass out. Night night world.

EDIT: My parents got home from a party, and my father is drunk, which got me thinking of a couple of things. One of them was how it's interesting that all the men I love are amazing when they're drunk, and that reminded me of a poem we got in Literature in Secondary School, which everyone interpreted to mean abuse at home from an alcoholic father, and I interpreted as fun with dad when he's tipsy. Go figure.

Also, while I'm admitting to slightly less superficial and shallow thoughts, here's one for you: What's the point in being able to set your jaw and grit your teeth and square your shoulders and all those other sayings for being strong and not just having a long good cry whenever you damn well feel like it? What's wrong with giving up?


Anonymous said...

I KNOW the poem you're refering to! And it is actually about having fun with the dad when he's tipsy, if I'm not wrong. Hehe.

- Hana

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I think i know the poem you both are referring to! Someone (anjana maybe) once showed it to me and I said "This is...poppycock to me."
