Sunday, March 18, 2007

of a lack of posts

I decided a couple of days ago that I'd blog about whatever I damn well please, instead of censoring myself. Within limits, obviously. I mean, I'm not going to not ramble just because I know some of the people who are reading this. It's easier to articulate when no one's listening.

But of course, as with everything else in my life, once I've set my mind to something, I can't actually do it. So there you go, that's why the sudden silence. I'll update eventually though. I know for sure there's a post coming once I get Friday night's pictures from Buttz.

I'm amused that the guy at the Reading Place (little book rental shop at Siglap Centre, next to Macs?) remembers me. I'm bemused that MizzBanana and I live scarily parallel lives in certain aspects. I'm pissed off that my brain is screaming at my body to inject itself with caffeine or nicotine or both. I'm relieved that I have cookies to not-exactly-make-up-for-it-but-something-somewhat-close. I'm looking forward to CSI tonight because my recording got screwed up again on Wednesday.

I'm bummed that my weekend is almost over, but glad that for a change it seemed to last the entire two days instead of disappearing into the space-time continuum.

Continuum is a funny looking word, eh?

You guys should watch cricket. It's soothing. Especially when the underdog plays well.

I almost always root for the underdog. Bet you didn't know that

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Y'know, I have Buttz's (Buttz') (?) (?!) number, so I'm totally gonna go start teasing her about it.

Hamburger Doof to Gobbler Doof